
Etang de La Sourdaie - Vagabonde blu

12 min 30 _ I-2011
coul. _ 16:9 _ mini-dv _ 2 plans-séquences
Musique : accordéon solo : “Vagabonde blu” (1998) de Salvatore Sciarrino, extrait de l’album “Push Pull” (1999 - Hat Hut 131) de Teodoro Anzellotti (avec son aimable autorisation)

La composition de SciarrinoVagabonde blu” pour l'accordéon de Teodoro Anzellotti devient, avec les images — vibrations de la lumière sur les feuilles, les eauxl'esprit du lieu filmé. Cet esprit joue avec la technicité de l'instrument et avec celle du filmage à main levée — à-coups, heurts, tremblements.
En fin de séquence, l'instrument laisse place à un autre outil œuvrant dans le paysage hors-champ et à la musique brute des lieux.

Extrait du livret accompagnant l'album  “Push Pull” (1999 - Hat Hut 131)
by Peter Niklas Wilson, june 1999

« (And) what can a composer do when faced with the challenge of writing for an instrument whose image seems so fixed, and so one-dimensional ? As Salvatore Sciarrino puts it : « The history [of the accordion] has a very intensive, strong ‘scent’, which does not interest me that much. I would not be able to compose music that goes along with it. Such a ‘scent’ is invincible. » So what can the composer do ? He can either accept the cliché and deconstruct it (as Mauricio Kagel has done so often) or he can attempt to re-invent the accordion, discover its hidden core, its secret materia prima.

In Sciarrino’s words : « I am more concerned with the substance.
The quintessence of the accordion, without this ‘scent’, can produce
a great piece of music. » But how do you define this “substance“ ?
One approach would be to analyze the fundamental mechanics of the instrument. Playing the accordion : That means pressing keys, moving the bellows to and fro, setting air into vibration in a sort of trembling motion of varying speed and intensity. Sciarrino’s
"Vagabonde blu" (1998) stages a very subtle play of these physical actions : the clicking of keys, the to and fro of the trill, and finally the pure white noise of the “breathing“ bellows :

« What I have discovered for myself is that the accordion can breathe, and that is an incredible experience. Everything vanishes, and what is left is the breath of the machine. […]
I begin with complex, vivid time elements, and what then remains is the soul, the motion. The instrument inhales and exhales, like a lung. This is not an effect, but a very different, anthropologic conception of musical langage. » »

Etang de La Sourdaie 
- Vagabonde blu -
séquence filmée sans la musique :

(pour des raisons techniques, pas d'extrait visible pour le moment) 

Pour des raisons de droits d'auteur musicaux 
je ne mets pas à l'écoute en ligne la pièce musicale  
Vagabonde blu (1998) de Salvatore Sciarrino, 
extrait de l’album “Push Pull” (1999 - Hat Hut 131) 
de Teodoro Anzellotti